I love training people to increase their use of visual skills in communicating and capturing information for their organisations and themselves. Below are the three current offerings.

Are you a business? As well as training individuals, I love working with organisations to deliver my courses to their staff. Courses can be customised to your needs.


Creating a journalling practice

  • This course is an exploration of the importance of journalling and some of the popular types.

    In this course we will:

    • Discuss benefits

    • Explore sketchnoting as a journalling style

    • Explore mindfulness activities

    • Discuss art journalling

    • Explore bullet journalling.

    If you would like to improve your self awareness and mental health management, come along and you might discover a style that works for you!

  • Length: 3 hours

    Cost: $99 (incl. gst)

    This is an in person course run in various locations in Tasmania.

Communicating with words and pictures

  • This is a sketchnoting course that focuses on the application of these skills for a range of organisational communication.

    In this course we will:

    • Discuss the power of word/picture combinations for communication

    • Explore the key principles and elements of sketchnoting

    • Explore a range of applications within your organisation - from capture to planned communication.

    If you would like to improve the impact and accessibility of your organisational communication, come along and start adding picture to your words today!

  • Length: 4 or 4.5 hours

    Cost: $169 (incl. gst)

    This course is offered online and in person (in Tasmania).

Drawing Better Posters & Flipcharts

  • This is a wall drawing course that explores the use of sketchnoting skills and principles to improve capturing and producing posters.

    In this course we will:

    • Discuss the power of word/picture combinations for communication

    • Explore the key principles and elements of sketchnoting in large format

    • Apply these principles to real-time capture as well as slow-time poster development.

    If you want to improve your ability to write and draw posters for workshops, classes or other groups of people, come along and create more impact today!

  • Length: 6.5 hours

    Cost: $299 (incl. gst)

    This course is an in person course run in Tasmania.

  • None scheduled

Why would I do this?

What do I need to bring to face-to-face workshops?

You only need to bring yourself and your sense of adventure - leave your inner critic at home. I will have a range of pens, pencils and markers for you to use on the day. If you have pens that you really like to use, feel free to bring them along as well. I'll be giving you notes and paper for all the activities over the day - you’ll get some resources to take home too.

How is online different from face-to-face?

Our online course is the same as face-to-face, I just add a little more time for the dynamic of online. You will be sent a package of materials to use on the day, but you will need to provide your own paper. I might ask you share your drawings in Zoom, and I will also send through a copy of all the drawings I do during the session for your notes.

Are the courses open for children and young people?

These courses are designed for adults. If you would really like your teenage child (15+) to come along with you, we can accommodate that. No unaccompanied people under 18 years can attend. 

Visuals help improve memory retention

Adding visual elements into your notes is a great technique for remembering information - it's really effective for study notes or presentation preparation. It's also great for developing communications that stick for other people.

Visual components assist with providing context 

Visual components can help direct the reader through the information with fewer words and improved comprehension. They can help simplify your messages and make them more accessible to a broader audience. And they make it more interesting to read.

What if I can't draw?

There are many ways to use colours and lines to enhance you notes. We will also teach you some very simple icons and shapes to use. Don't think of this as an art class, it's about adding emphasis and clarity with simple elements.

FAQs about attending the courses